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INI File  |  2003-04-09  |  14KB  |  390 lines

  1. [fAbout]
  2. fAbout.Caption=About
  3. Label2.Caption=Bugs and new ideas:
  4. Label4.Caption=User support:
  5. Label9.Caption=WWW forum:
  6. URLLabel4.Caption=http://www.dreamcom.cz
  7. URLLabel4.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz
  8. URLLabel10.Caption=http://www.dreamcom.cz/phorum
  9. URLLabel10.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz/phorum
  10. URLLabel6.Caption=Registration information
  11. URLLabel6.URL=http://www.dreamcom.cz/registration.php
  12. URLLabel5.URL=mailto:podpora@dreamcom.cz
  13. URLLabel1.URL=mailto:kubiksms@dreamcom.cz
  14. Label1.Caption=Advertisement:
  15. URLLabel3.Caption=http://dreamcom.cz/advert.php
  16. URLLabel3.URL=http://dreamcom.cz/advert.php
  17. RegLabel.Caption=Registered email:
  18. Version.Caption=Version:
  19. [fAdrSearch]
  20. fAdrSearch.Caption=Recipients selection
  21. labelSearch.Caption=Quick search
  22. LabelContacts.Caption=Contacts
  23. LabelRecipients.Caption=Recipients
  24. btnOK.Caption=OK
  25. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  26. btnNewContact.Caption=New contact...
  27. btnGroups.Caption=Groups...
  28. [fMain]
  29. imgWriteSMS.Caption=New SMS
  30. imgWriteSMS.Hint=Write new message (F2)
  31. imgQueue.Caption=Queue
  32. imgQueue.Hint=Messages to send (F3)
  33. imgHistory.Caption=History
  34. imgHistory.Hint=History (F4)
  35. ImgContacts.Caption=Contacts
  36. ImgContacts.Hint=Contacts (F5)
  37. imgMenu.Hint=Main menu
  38. imgClose.Hint=Close
  39. imgMinimize.Hint=Minimize
  40. imgTray.Hint=Minimize to tray
  41. menuNewMessage.Caption=New message
  42. menuSetup.Caption=Options...
  43. menuUpdate.Caption=Update...
  44. menuChangeSkin.Caption=Change skin...
  45. menuGateSetup.Caption=SMS gates setup...
  46. menuGateMaster.Caption=Set default SMS gate...
  47. menuGateAssigment.Caption=SMS gates assigment...
  48. menuImport.Caption=Import data...
  49. menuExport.Caption=Export data...
  50. menuAbout.Caption=About...
  51. menuExit.Caption=Exit
  52. menuTrayShowForm.Caption=Show window
  53. menuTrayExit.Caption=Exit
  54. menuDialUp.Caption=Internet connection...
  55. menuHelp.Caption=Help...
  56. [fMainNewSMS]
  57. imgSendMsg.Caption=Send
  58. imgSendMsg.Hint=Send message (Ctrl+Enter)
  59. imgTo.Caption=To:
  60. imgTo.Hint=Recipients (Ctrl+T)
  61. imgAdvBtn.Hint=Advanced options
  62. menuBrowseContact.Caption=Browse contact
  63. menuCut.Caption=Cut
  64. menuCopy.Caption=Copy
  65. menuPaste.Caption=Paste
  66. menuSelectAll.Caption=Select all
  67. [fMainQueue]
  68. menuQueueEdit.Caption=Edit message
  69. menuQueueDelete.Caption=Delete selected...
  70. menuQueueSend.Caption=Send now
  71. menuFindQueue.Caption=Find...
  72. menuShowLog.Caption=Show log
  73. menuInterrupt.Caption=Interrupt sending
  74. menuStopSending.Caption=Suspend sending
  75. menuShowError.Caption=Show error
  76. menuDelAll.Caption=Clear all
  77. menuDellAllButErrors.Caption=Clear all but errors
  78. [fMainHistory]
  79. menuHistorySend.Caption=Send again
  80. menuHistoryEdit.Caption=Edit message
  81. menuFindHistory.Caption=Find...
  82. menuHistoryDelete.Caption=Delete selected...
  83. [fMainContacts]
  84. menuAddContact.Caption=Add new...
  85. menuEditContact.Caption=Edit...
  86. menuDeleteContact.Caption=Delete selected...
  87. menuFindContact.Caption=Find...
  88. menuEditGroups.Caption=Groups...
  89. menuContactSend.Caption=Send message
  90. [fMainAdvanced]
  91. chbSendLater.Caption=Date of delivery
  92. chbAoD.Caption=A&dvice of del.
  93. chbIdentification.Caption=&Identification
  94. chbFlashSMS.Caption=&Flash SMS
  95. [fUpdate]
  96. fUpdate.Caption=DreamCom SE Update
  97. PanelUpdateInit.Caption=Searching for update...
  98. LabelUpdateInfo.Caption=Information about update
  99. LabelProgress.Caption=Update progress
  100. LabelDownloadDone.Caption=Download was finished.
  101. LabelUpdateDone.Caption=Update will be completed after restart.
  102. btn1.Caption=Update
  103. btn2.Caption=Close
  104. [fSkinChooser]
  105. fSkinChooser.Caption=Skin browser
  106. LabelSkinName.Caption=Choose your skin:
  107. btnOK.Caption=OK
  108. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  109. [fEditContact]
  110. fEditContact.Caption=Edit contact
  111. LabelContactName.Caption=Name
  112. LabelContactPhone.Caption=Phone
  113. btnAdvanced.Caption=Advanced options
  114. btnOK.Caption=OK
  115. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  116. LabelContactGate.Caption=Use this SMS gate instead of the default one:
  117. btnClearAssigment.Caption=Clear the option
  118. [fWrongNames]
  119. fWrongNames.Caption=Missing contacts
  120. btnOK.Caption=OK
  121. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  122. [fWrongNamesEdit]
  123. fWrongNamesEdit.Caption=Enter recipient
  124. LabelSelect.Caption=Choose contact or group:
  125. btnOK.Caption=OK
  126. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  127. [fSetup]
  128. fSetup.Caption=Options
  129. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  130. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  131. CommonSheet.Caption=Common
  132. chbProxy.Caption=Use proxy
  133. ProxyGroupBox.Caption=Proxy setup
  134. Label8.Caption=Name
  135. Label9.Caption=Address and port
  136. Label11.Caption=Password
  137. ProxyAddressEdit.Hint=Proxy server address, e.g. proxy.web.cz
  138. ProxyPortEdit.Hint=Proxy server port, e.g. 8080
  139. GroupBox7.Caption=User
  140. Label5.Caption=Name
  141. Label6.Caption=Email
  142. Label10.Caption=Cellular phone
  143. UserPhoneEdit.Hint=Your cellular phone number in international format (+420...)
  144. GroupBox9.Caption=Type of internet connection
  145. chbDialup.Caption=Dial-up (modem, ISDN)
  146. rbPermanentConnection.Caption=Permanent (LAN, cable modem)
  147. AdvancedSheet.Caption=Advanced
  148. chbCheckQueue.Caption=Check non-empty queue on exit
  149. chbPaidGateAlert.Caption=
  150. chbWholeWords.Caption=Keep whole words
  151. gbColorHighlight.Caption=Color highlight
  152. btnOddMsg.Caption=Odd messages...
  153. btnOddMsg.Hint=Setup font of the odd messages
  154. btnEvenMsg.Caption=Even messages...
  155. btnEvenMsg.Hint=Setup font of the even messages
  156. chbColorHighlight.Caption=Activate
  157. chbSignature.Caption=Append signature
  158. GSMSheet.Caption=GSM
  159. gbGSM.Caption=Mobile phone connection
  160. LabelComPort.Caption=Communication port:
  161. btnDetectGSM.Caption=Detect
  162. GSMInfo.Caption=If you want to use connected mobile phone, you must select a port that is used by the phone. You can use autodetection if you are not sure what port to select. In DreamCom you can use mobile phone to send messages and import contacts.
  163. chbDisconnectMobile.Caption=Disconnect after all messages have been sent
  164. chbShowUpdates.Caption=Search for updates on startup
  165. LabelSpeed.Caption=Speed:
  166. [fOperators]
  167. fOperators.Caption=SMS gates assigment
  168. Label1.Caption=Operators list
  169. BitBtn1.Caption=Close
  170. Label2.Caption=for the operator:
  171. Label3.Caption=use this sms gate:
  172. Button1.Caption=Change assigment...
  173. [fImport]
  174. fImport.Caption=Import
  175. GroupBox1.Caption=Imported data format
  176. chbCSV.Caption=CSV (Comma Sep. Values)
  177. chbOutlook.Caption=Microsoft Outlook
  178. chbGateKeeper.Caption=GateKeeper
  179. chbMobile.Caption=Mobile phone
  180. GroupBox2.Caption=Import into table
  181. chbContacts.Caption=Contacts
  182. chbGroups.Caption=Groups
  183. chbQueue.Caption=Queue
  184. chbHistory.Caption=History
  185. btnOpenFile.Caption=Load from file...
  186. btnClose.Caption=Close
  187. btnImport.Caption=Import
  188. GroupBox3.Caption=Imported records
  189. btnNewRec.Caption=New
  190. btnDelRec.Caption=Selected
  191. btnDelAll.Caption=All
  192. chbSynchronize.Caption=Synchronize (overwrite existing contacts)
  193. [fOutlook]
  194. fOutlook.Caption=Import contacts from Outlook
  195. Label1.Caption=Import from folder:
  196. Label2.Caption=Contact with filled cellular number:
  197. btnOK.Caption=OK
  198. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  199. GroupBox1.Caption=Name creation
  200. [fPictureInput]
  201. fPictureInput.Caption=Copy the text
  202. btnOK.Caption=OK
  203. [fSearch]
  204. fSearch.Caption=Search
  205. LabelSearch.Caption=Find the text
  206. btnSearch.Caption=Find next
  207. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  208. [fEditGroups]
  209. fEditGroups.Caption=Groups edit
  210. Label1.Caption=Groups (select group):
  211. Label3.Caption=Members of the group
  212. btnCancel.Caption=Close
  213. btnNew.Caption=New...
  214. btnRename.Caption=Rename...
  215. btnDelete.Caption=Delete
  216. btnMembers.Caption=Members...
  217. [fGroupMembers]
  218. Label2.Caption=Contacts
  219. Label3.Caption=Group members
  220. BitBtn1.Caption=OK
  221. BitBtn2.Caption=Cancel
  222. [fExport]
  223. fExport.Caption=Export
  224. GroupBox1.Caption=Exported data format
  225. chbCSV.Caption=CSV (comma separated values)
  226. GroupBox2.Caption=Export table
  227. chbContacts.Caption=Contacts
  228. chbGroups.Caption=Groups
  229. chbQueue.Caption=Queue
  230. chbHistory.Caption=History
  231. btnExport.Caption=Export
  232. btnClose.Caption=Close
  233. [fGateSelection]
  234. fGateSelection.Caption=Select SMS Gate
  235. LabelGate.Caption=SMS gate
  236. btnOK.Caption=OK
  237. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  238. [fGateSetup]
  239. fGateSetup.Caption=SMS gates setup
  240. LabelGate.Caption=SMS gate
  241. LabelName.Caption=User name
  242. LabelPassword.Caption=Password
  243. LabelInfo.Caption=SMS gate information
  244. LabelRegister.Caption=SMS Gate registration page
  245. btnOK.Caption=OK
  246. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  247. [DM]
  248. ContactsName.DisplayLabel=Name
  249. ContactsPhone.DisplayLabel=Phone
  250. QueueRecipient.DisplayLabel=Recipient
  251. QueueSendDateCalc.DisplayLabel=Send
  252. QueueMessageLookup.DisplayLabel=Message lookup
  253. QueueStateLookup.DisplayLabel=State
  254. HistorySendDate.DisplayLabel=Date
  255. HistoryRecipient.DisplayLabel=Recipient
  256. HistoryMessageLookup.DisplayLabel=Message lookup
  257. [fMsgInfo]
  258. fMsgInfo.Caption=Information
  259. btnOK.Caption=OK
  260. [fPortDetect]
  261. fPortDetect.Caption=Device selection
  262. DetectPanel.Caption=Detecting connected mobile phones....
  263. PortRadios.Caption=List of available devices
  264. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  265. btnOK.Caption=OK
  266. [fMobileImport]
  267. fMobileImport.Caption=Import from the phone
  268. btnStart.Caption=Start
  269. btnCancel.Caption=Cancel
  270. gbLoadFrom.Caption=Load
  271. rbMemory.Caption=from phone memory
  272. rbSimCard.Caption=from SIM card
  273. rbBoth.Caption=load all
  274. [Strings]
  275. DlgYes=&Yes
  276. DlgNo=&No
  277. DlgOK=&OK
  278. DlgCancel=&Cancel
  279. DlgExit=&Exit
  280. DlgRetry=&Retry
  281. DlgIgnore&=&Ignore
  282. DlgAll=&All
  283. DlgWarning=Warning
  284. DlgError=Error
  285. DlgInfo=Information
  286. DlgConfirm=Confirmation
  287. TableReadError=Error reading table %s.
  288. TableRestore=Program will try to restore the table from backup.
  289. Msg_Now=Now
  290. NewGroup=New group
  291. GroupName=Group name:
  292. RenameGroup=Rename group
  293. DeleteGroup=Do you really want to remove selected group?
  294. Group=Group
  295. ContactDup=Contact with this name already exists.
  296. GroupDup=Group with this name already exists.
  297. DeleteRecords=Do you really want to remove selected records?
  298. ContactNameMissing=You must fill in the name.
  299. ImportReadFile=Load file...
  300. ImportOutlook=Load from Outlook
  301. ImportGateKeeper=Load from Gatekeeper
  302. ImportDreamCom=Load from DreamCom
  303. ImportMobile=Load from phone
  304. Name=Name
  305. Phone=Phone
  306. Script=SMS gate
  307. GroupMembers=Group members
  308. SendDate=Date of sending
  309. Message=Message
  310. AoD=Advice of delivery
  311. Identification=Identification
  312. Flash=Flash SMS
  313. CSVLoadError=Reading of the file has failed. The file is probably in a wrong format.
  314. ImportRecFailed=Records that has stayed in the table could not be imported. You can edit them and try to import again.
  315. ImportDone=Import was successfully done.
  316. ExportDone=Export was successfully done.
  317. OutlookFail=Connecting to Outlook has failed. Microsoft Outlook (not Outlook Express) must be properly installed.
  318. Contacts=Contacts
  319. ContactsFileNotFound=The contacts file was not found.
  320. Finish=Finish
  321. UpdateInProgress=Update si still in progress.
  322. NoUpdateAvailable=No update available right now.
  323. ScriptUpdateDone=Scripts were successfully updated.
  324. ScriptUpdateReady=Scripts update will be completed after restart.
  325. ExeUpdateDone=Update will be completed after restart.
  326. UpdateFailed=Download of the update file has failed.
  327. ExeDownloadFailed=An error occured while downloading the file.
  328. UpdatedScripts=Updated SMS gates:
  329. WrongContacts=All contacts must be entered correctly.
  330. ContactsNotFound=Unable to find undermentioned contacts. Click on the red colored items and choose proper contact or group.
  331. SkinChange=Skin change will occur after DreamCom restart.
  332. StateReady=Ready
  333. StateSending=Sending
  334. StateError=Error
  335. Msg_Sent=Message was sent.
  336. Msg_SentError=Sending has failed.
  337. Msg_Loading=Loading opening page.
  338. Msg_Sending=Sending message.
  339. Msg_Expired=Page has expired.
  340. Msg_Later=Message will be sent later.
  341. Msg_WrongNum=Wrong phone number.
  342. Msg_Logging=Validating user name and password.
  343. Msg_Logout=Logging out...
  344. Msg_Limit=Limit of sent messages exceeded.
  345. Msg_Accepted=Username and password accepted.
  346. Msg_WrongPass=Wrong password.
  347. Msg_WrongName=User with given name already exists.
  348. Msg_PassCheckFailed=New password and confirmation differs.
  349. Msg_Reg=You are not a registered user.
  350. Msg_Credit=You need additional credits.
  351. Msg_Connecting=Connecting to mobile phone.
  352. SendExpired=The page read limit has expired.
  353. SendStop=Sending was interrupted by the user.
  354. UnknownEr=Unknown error.
  355. SentFail=The message was not sent.
  356. MsgAlreadySending=The message is already sending.
  357. HistoryToQueue=The message was inserted into the queue.
  358. Chars=Chars count
  359. Remain=Remaining
  360. Msgs=Messages
  361. NotRegistered=NOT REGISTERED
  362. StateRetry=%d. retry
  363. BanClick=You must click on the banner.
  364. QueueCheckQuestion=There are unsent messages in the queue, do you really want to exit?
  365. StatusMsgSending=Sending message...
  366. PassNotFilled=SMS gate "%s" requires authentication. You must fill in the login name and password.
  367. DBOpenFailed=Opening the database has failed. Program will be terminated.
  368. StatusRecipient=Recipient
  369. DivideMsg=The message will be divided.
  370. UpdateSearch=Searching for updates...
  371. InetOffline=At first you must connect to then Internet.
  372. BrowseDreamAdr=Select Kubik SMS DreamCom directory.
  373. DCImportFailed=Table import has failed.
  374. PortWriteError=Unable to write into the port.
  375. UknownModel=Unknown
  376. PDUError=Unable to setup PDU message format.
  377. NewMsgError=Unable to setup indication of incoming messages.
  378. SendMsgError=Unable to send the message, modem is bussy.
  379. NottreatedError=Unknown error has occured.
  380. AtModem=No answer from modem.
  381. RegEmailInfo=Email sending is available only in registered version.
  382. NoMobileFound=No connected mobile phone were found.
  383. MELoading=Loading contacts from phone memory.
  384. SMLoading=Loading contacts from SIM card.
  385. OpeningPort=Openning communication port...
  386. DetectedMobile=Phone %s was found on COM%d.
  387. EmptyRecord=EMPTY RECORD
  388. LoadingBanner=Loading banner...
  389. UnregGSMAdrInfo=This version of program imports only the first ten records.\nIf you want to import all your contacts, you must purchase the GSM version.